
まだまだ始めたばかりで、私の英会話講師としての勉強期間ということもあり、 4月から今年度の終わりまで無料体験にすることを決定しました。6週間の体験受講を行ってみて、子どもの学んでいくパターンや強みを再確認し、カリキュラムも一から見直す必要を感じました。アメリカで学んだ様々な遊びに加え、Super Simple SongsというCDも見つけ、一つのトピックに少なくとも3~4週間かけてじっくり繰り返しながら進めていこうと思います。発達レベルと英語のレベルも考え、学年も細かく分け、その中でもっともっと子どもたちが楽しく安心して遊び学べる環境と仕組みを構築していこうと思います。





無料体験受講をあと5週間行い、春から正式に開校という形でいく予定です。徐々にこの地域に名前を覚えてもらって、今年の末にはプレイセラピーのクライアントを一人でも持てればと考えています。まずは、(株)Casa の建築業務を手伝いつつ、この『させぼあそびたい』の遊びを使った子ども英会話教室『えいごあそびたい』を週に4クラスできるようにすること、そして米軍内のコンビニの仕事をやめることが今年の目標です。今年一年死ぬ気で頑張ります。

ちなみに、この部屋が友人たちと改装している(株)Casa 事務所の多目的スペースです。結構オシャレな空間に出来上がりました。改装工事は、11月から始めて、当初は1月中旬には終わらせる予定だったのですが、まだ玄関のタイルが終わってません。。。しかし、その他は大体終わっていて、今荷物を徐々に入れてるところです。みんな自分の業務があったり、私はバイトがあって時間は掛かっていますが、やっぱり出来てくると気持ちいいですね。でも、私がこの英会話教室やセラピーをするからということで、いろいろとわがままを聞いてもらっています。本当に感謝です。





広島でのカンファレンス 7月15日〜18日   Conference in Hiroshima, Japan on July 15-18, 2011

The Japanese Association of Gestalt Therapy's 2011 conference was held in a beautiful uninhabited island, Sensui jima, Hiroshima, Japan. You could only get there on a small fairy tale like boat. Dr. Ansel Woldt and Morgan Goodlander were the guest presenters and 70 people attended.

There were a lot of firsts for me; first intense Gestalt Therapy conference, first conference in Japan, a lot of people I met for the first time, my first interpretor experience that was also my first job opportunity since I came back to Japan, and my first trip to Hiroshima. All of these firsts was a great experience!! It was great to see people learning more about themselves not from teaching but through their own sensory, physical, emotional, and cognitive experience. I love Gestalt.

Personally, I learned more about myself with help from a Japanese Gestalt therapist, Mr. Noriyoshi Okada, in his workshop. I was able to become more aware of my fear and excitement as well as some projections and introjections. He helped me working through and coming to a comfortable conclusion. Thank you very much Okada-san.

Thank you Ansel and Morgan. I had a great time traveling in Hiroshima and Osaka after the conference. I also want to thank you for teaching me a lot of things in your sessions at the conference and during the trip.

Check out a video that Morgan has made about the conference;

Wow! Eleven Years...

Wow!! I cannot believe that I have been here in the US for almost 11 years... It’s been so fast even though I have faced and struggled with so many challenges. I really thank God, my family, co-workers, and friends here and in Japan for their support and guidance. Here are some comments from my professor, supervisor, and now mentor, Dr. Cynthia Reynolds who is also a president of Ohio Association for Play Therapy in the newsletter.

OAPT President’s Comments

It is always a pleasure to welcome new members and to watch their development as play therapists. Eleven years ago, Masaki Kawakami came to the United States to better learn English. As part of an assignment for his English course, he read a book that propelled him to become interested in becoming a child counselor. He enrolled in the Community Counseling program at the University of Akron, and I met him for the first time in my Counseling Children class. I was impressed by his passion for learning, and his courage to pursue a degree in another language. Several years after he graduated, I heard about his desire to become a play therapist from other members of OAPT.

Masaki became a member of APT and attended national and state conferences, as well as numerous trainings and supervision sessions. He made many play therapy friends both in Ohio and across the country. He has been a practicing therapist in Marietta, Ohio and has achieved PCC-S and RPT-S status. He is leaving in July to return to Japan taking all of his talents, learnings, wisdom (and toys) with him. It has been a delight to learn from Masaki and witness his process of becoming a very natural and gifted play therapist. We will miss his joy of learning, his thoughtful questions, his willingness to help others, his sense of humor, and his superb cooking!

Arigato gozaimas, Masaki for enriching our lives, and best wishes for the future.